Yongtek ELM 327 Bluetooth Obdii

Yongtek ELM 327 Bluetooth Obdii
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

AL309 OBD-II Code Reader

 AL309 OBD-II Code Reader

Since this warning is buried in instructions, I'll lead with it: only connect it to your car when the ignition is off. I have no tale of woe around this, but the manual heavily emphasizes it after inexplicably putting this warning WAAAY down in the instructions (as well as near the end of page 2's disclaimers to the effect that hot objects can cause burns).

Finding the connector was immediate on one of my cars and took some Googling on my Toyota Tundra. Neither the manual nor the web site has a search function for this. You'd think it'd be obvious, since it has to be within a couple feet of the steering column, but it may not be.

 AL309 OBD-II Code Reader

On one car, the unit said it couldn't connect properly when I turned the ignition on then waited for something to happen. After disconnecting/reconnecting a couple times, I tried cranking the engine and suddenly all was well. On the other, just turning on the ignition started the analysis.

 AL309 OBD-II Code Reader

Since no codes were found - or anything else of note other than the basic info the unit is designed to supply - I have no feedback about resetting codes or using them to solve some automotive mystery.

The unit comes with a USB cable, about which the manual says little. Plug the AL309 into your computer, and you're likely to find that the 309's readout says something to the effect of not being able to link up. If you go to the Autel web site, to the 309 page and with the 309 still connected, you'll see a green-highlighted message that, yes, the 309's connected (if the 309's not connected, a red-highlighted message confirms that), then a couple boxes asking you to select which file to install from your documents directory.
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